Welcome to Wilmington Primary School

School NewslettersContact Our School

About Our School

Wilmington Primary School is set in Beautiful Valley in the lower Flinders Ranges. In 2017 the Wilmington Kindergarten amalgamated with and relocated to the primary school. A purpose built preschool room and play area were added to the existing classroom/admin block. Wilmington Preschool is now classed as a site based preschool.

At Wilmington Primary School we work closely with families to provide the best possible experiences and support for our children. We take pride in knowing children and families personally, making them feel connected and acknowledge that they are an integral part of our school. We strive to build a school culture based on our school values of respect, care, honesty and persistence.

The school is committed to creating a culture of continuous learning and improvement with a strong focus on Literacy, Numeracy and Student Wellbeing.
Students are also encouraged to contribute to the decision making processes within the school through the Student Representative Council.

There are flexible transition programs for children beginning preschool and then moving into Reception. There are also processes in place to support students moving through the classes within the school, as well as a transition program to secondary schooling, at Booleroo Centre District School.

Our Governing Council provides a strong parent voice and direction for the school. We have a proactive Fundraising Committee who organise events to raise funds for the school and provides services for our children, including Mothers’ and Fathers’ Day stalls and catering for school events.

Wilmington Primary School is an integral part of the local community, with students taking part in a variety of activities including sports and community events eg ANZAC Day and making a significant contribution to displays at the local show.

In our caring environment students are encouraged to develop positive mindsets about their learning and know that it is okay to make mistakes along the way, to take responsibility for their learning actions so they can feel confident to participate in an ever changing society.

Planning and Reporting


Context Statement

PDF (308KB)


Annual Report



Site Improvement Plan

PDF (751KB)


External Review Report



Primary Parent Handbook


Wilmington Preschool


Preschool Handbook

PDF (614KB)


Final Assessment and Rating Report

PDF (605KB)


Quality Improvement Plan

PDF (628KB)


Sun Protection Policy

PDF (224KB)

Preschool Fees

  • $60.00 per term

Preschool Session Times

  • Odd Weeks
    • Monday 9am – 3pm,
    • Tuesday 9am – 3pm,
    • Wednesday 9am – 3pm.
  • Even Weeks
    • Monday 9am – 3pm,
    • Tuesday 9am – 3pm


Download our most recent

School Newsletter

Term 4

Parent Calendar

Newsletter Archive

Term 1, 2025

Contact us

Wilmington Primary School

Principal: Ben Harris-Jones

Phone: (08) 8667 5112
Email: dl.0483.info@schools.sa.edu.au
Fax: (08) 8667 5025

Address: 12 Beauval Street, Wilmington SA 5485
Postal Address: PO Box 11, Wilmington SA 5485

Education Office: Port Augusta 2 / Whyalla
Partnership: Flinders

Location map

Wilmington Primary School

12 Beauval Street, Wilmington SA 5485

Enquiry form

Feedback & complaints

Let us know if you have feedback or a complaint, or if you want to give us a compliment. Feedback is valuable as it helps us shape our services to meet your needs.

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